Pretty cute, huh? Anyway, back to the "recovery" part. My 4 year old has been restricted in the sugar department for most of his short life. I had gestational diabetes and that puts him at greater risk of diabetes so we limit his sugar intake. Makes sense, right? Well when a sugar-restricted 4 year old gets hold of TONS of Halloween candy the results ain't pretty. I've had the brattiest child possible for the past three days but hopefully it's about to get better - the candy is mysteriously "dissappearing" today. =)
I'm doing a fun new project for November. For each day of the month, I'm taking a picture of something I'm thankful for. For one day it was Jackson's sweet little smile, one day it was my washer and dryer (the alternative is unthinkable!), one day it might be my computer, today it will probably be my Diet Coke (it's 5:30 and I've been up for 4 hours!). At the end of the month I'm going to either make a mini album or use all the pics on a layout. Anyone care to join me?
I have it on good authority that there's going to be an AWESOME crop this weekend at Scrap4Life. I'd love to have LOTS of participation!!!

Oh, and speaking of Scrap4Life, this month's kit is ADORABLE!!! I'll probably be ordering one soon because it's just too cute!! Jodie just lowered the price of her AWESOME kits so get yours fast - this one won't last long!

I might possibly have a BIG photography announcement to make soon so be on the lookout for it. =)
Jenney...that picture of the boys is too adorable. You did a great job on their costumes!!!! After not having a sewing machine for years I just recently got one again. I may get creative next year LOL!
I'm playing along w/ your Novemeber photography challenge...fun:) I cannot wait for the crop this weekend!
I am amazed by yours (and Lelia's) rockin' costume making skills! Those little puppies ROCK! (Oh and they're very adorable, too.) hehe
I love the idea of a picture a day of something I'm thankful for! I'm totally joining you on this! Thanks for the great challenge!
Awesome job on the costumes! They are too cute!
I love the costumes, and knowing that you made them, makes them all the better! Way to go!
I love the costumes, and knowing that you made them, makes them all the better! Way to go!
Love the costume......the boys are so stinkin cute....love the picture....your photography is AMAZING!
Oh, how cute!!! I love how these costumes turned out!!! They look so adorable!!! I can't believe how big Jackson is!! I'm looking forward to your crop this weekend!
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