Now has 4 teeth and has learned to grind them together! AHH!!!! To remind that he's worth the horrible, mind-numbing sound here's a sweet picture I took last week.
I'm a bit behind on his 6 month post. The pictures are taken (obviously) but I have to get them all processed. That's on my list for today. =) Along with taking my baby to the doctor's office. I can't wait to see how much he weighs - he's a load to carry around! He has to get 5 or 6 vaccinations today (one of them oral) so say a prayer for him, please!! He always has a rough couple days after a visit to the doc. Poor baby!
How cute!!! Love that the blanket matches your blog:) Looking forward to seeing more pictures!
Best of luck at the doctor's...(((hugs))) to the both of you!
What a cutie!!! He is looking so big... love his chubby chin(s)!! :) Hope the shots go well.. that's never fun!
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